In this theoretical episode of the podcast, we will be looking at two useful Spanish Grammar Hacking sentences.
These two sentences use indirect object pronouns and so we will also be looking at the grammar structure of these types of pronouns. And using them to better form our ideas and express ourselves in Spanish.
We first looked at indirect object pronouns in podcast episode number 7 where I introduced verbs like gustar. The set of indirect object pronouns are:
- Me – Me
- Te –You
- Le – Him / Her
- Nos – Us
- Os – You-all
- Les – Them
In tip number 19 I introduced the set of direct object pronouns and the behaviour of the word “lo” when you have two verbs in a compound structure at the start of a sentence.
Examples from the episode:
I give the apple to John – Le doy la manzana a John
I give hime the money – Le doy el dinero
I give him the dinner – Le doy la cena
I give her the dinner – A ella le doy la cena
You don’t tell me the truth – No me dices la verdad
He tells me something – Él me dice algo
We tell you the truth – Te decimos la verdad
They buy me a present – Me compran un regalo
I have to tell you something – Te tengo que decir algo
I have to tell you something – tengo que decirte algo
You need to give me the book – me necesitas dar el libro
She wants to show him her house – Ella le quiere mostrar su casa
She wants to show him her house – Ella quiere mostrarle mi casa
You can buy me something – Me puedes comprar algo
We have to tell him the secret – Le tenemos que decir el secreto
We are going to tell him the secret – Le vamos a decir el secreto
She wants to ask me a question – Ella me quiere pedir una pregunta
I’m going to tell him my real age – Le voy a decir mi edad real
Let me know – “Ya me dices”
Quote from the episode:
“A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda” – Spanish Proverb
What other examples can you give using these Spanish grammar hacking sentences?
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I have been learning Spanish with a language course which doesn’t give translations or grammar, which doesn’t suit me as I like to know why I’m using the words. Your podcasts and articles are brilliant and I now know why I am saying things in a certain way. I can now make up my own sentences. I feel so much more motivated to carry on rather than frustrated. Thank you so much!
Thanks for the kind words Linda, I’m so pleased to hear you are feeling motivated!!
I give him the dinner – Le doy la cena
I give her the dinner – A ella le doy la cena
Why is ‘A Ella’ here when only one word has changed in the English sentence? (him to her)
If we know from context we are talking about a female, we can also say the second sentence without the “a ella” and we can also say the first sentence with “a él”, all of these options are possible in Spanish.