It’s one thing knowing what is best. It is another thing saying it in Spanish. The key is in knowing Spanish superlatives.
Expressing a form of superiority is the topic of this weeks podcast. If you don’t already know the grammar constructions for superlatives then this weeks topic will be of use. Being able to express the superiority of a person or thing is a very common idea and you will want to be able to use these forms in your conversation training.
In a follow up to last weeks episode on comparatives, this week we will be looking at Spanish superlatives. We will also be clearing up some typical problems with the comparative constructions that were raised in last weeks episode. There are a few tricky comparison forms that I forgot to mention (better late than never).
The errors that Spanish students typically make with comparatives is when saying things are better, worse, older or younger.
The adjectives that are never used are as follows:
Más bueno -> Mejor
Más malo -> Peor
Más viejo -> Mayor
Más joven -> Menor
Examples from the episode:
Mayor – Older / Elderly
Viejo / Vieja – Old
I have an older brother – Tengo un hermano mayor
Elderly people – Los mayores
It’s a program for old people – En un programma para mayores
An old person – Una persona vieja
I have an antique seat – Tengo una silla vieja
It’s an old book – Es un libro viejo
Tu español es más bueno que el mío (INCORRECT)
Your Spanish is better than mine – Tu español es mejor que el mío
La comida en españa es más bueno que la comida en los estados unidos (INCORRECT)
The food in Spain is better than the food in the United States – La comida en españa es mejor que la comida en los estados unidos
Este libro es más malo que el ultimo libro (INCORRECT)
This book is worse than the last book – Este libro es peor que el ultimo libro
This book is mucho worse than the last book – Este libro es mucho peor que el ultimo libro
Él es más viejo que yo (INCORRECT)
He is older than me – Él es mayor que yo
Mi hermano es más joven que yo (INCORRECT)
My brother is younger than me – Mi hermano es menor que yo
There are two kinds of superlative: relative superlatives and absolute superlatives. There constructions are as follows:
Relative Superlatives Structure
– El / La / Los / Las + más + adjective + de
Absolute Superlative Structure
– El / la es muy + adjective
– Adjective + ísimo
Examples from the episode:
Carla is the most intelligent in the class – Carla es la más lista de la class.
Carlos is the tallest in the school – Carlos es el más alto de la escuela.
These books are the most interesting in the library – Estos son los libros más interesantes de la bibliotics.
My friend is the oldest in the team – Mi amigo es el mayor del equipo.
Juan is very tall – Juan es muy alto.
Juan is really very tall – Juan es altísimo.
The food is very good – La comida es muy buena.
The food is really very good – La comida es buenísima.
Always he is really very happy – Siempre él es felicísimo.
Sofia is really very pretty – Sofia es guapísima.
Quote from the episode:
“Prefiero ser el peor de los mejores que el mejor de los peores” – Kurt Cuban.
What examples can you give using Spanish superlatives?
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I believe there is a typo in “Mi amigo es el major del equipo”. It should be “mayor” not “major”, right?
¡Gracias Gary, tienes razón! I just fixed it. Thanks again!
De nada, Andrew