Confidence in language learning is huge. Those who think they can and those who think that can’t are probably right. [Read more…] about Tips 086: How to Build Confidence with Ruan De Witt (Part 2 of 2)
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Learn Real Spanish Fast and Stay Motivated
Confidence in language learning is huge. Those who think they can and those who think that can’t are probably right. [Read more…] about Tips 086: How to Build Confidence with Ruan De Witt (Part 2 of 2)
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Prepositions are hard. Why? Because prepositions rarely translate well between languages. And their use often doesn’t follow a nice set of rules.
For example, when is something below and when is it underneath? How would you explain the difference? What about the difference between out and outside—could you tell a foreigner when they should use these two words? [Read more…] about Tips 085: Spanish Prepositions of Position (Part 1 of 2)
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In 2005, Ruan De Witt was riding his bicycle on a bridge in France. A passing car caused him to fall from the bridge onto the busy highway below. He broke his pelvis, hands, elbow and back. He survived the fall. He then spent three months in a French hospital re-learning how to walk.
Three years later he asked me to join him to climb the worlds highest free-standing mountain—Mt Kilimanjaro. The trip changed both of us. But had a huge impact on me because I decided upon my return to Australia I had to start my own language learning adventure in Spanish. [Read more…] about Tips 084: How to Build Confidence with Ruan De Witt (Part 1 of 2)
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In this week’s theoretical Spanish podcast we will explore the verb ‘tratar‘.
‘Tratar‘ can be confusing because of one particular meaning that is difficult to translate to English. But this difficult translation is very useful for asking what something is about. [Read more…] about Tips 083: Tratar – How to Treat this Helpful Spanish Verb
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This week Amy Whitney is on the podcast. Her story beautifully captures the idea that language learning is hard but truly worth it. [Read more…] about Tips 082: Why you Need to Overcome your Fears with Amy Whitney
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In this week’s podcast tip we are going to look at the verb ‘caer’. We will look at the differences between ‘caer’ and ‘caerse’ and give a few spanish phrases using this common verb.
What you will discover in this tip is that ‘caer’ means so much more than ‘to fall’. [Read more…] about Tips 081: 3 Spanish Phrases with the Verb ‘Caer’
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